Import / Export

Remember-It allows you to import data in its database. Therefore is used the CSV format. This format uses Remember-It to export the data of a book. You can start the export selecting the export book item from the options menu in the show book form. The CSV format can easily be created or edited with a spreadsheet program like MS Excel or Open Office Calc or also with any text editor.

How to create a CSV file to import data

The file has to consist of two parts:

First a line for the book data then the lines for the cards of this book. The columns are separated by the semicolon ";". The content of an column must be included in quotes.

The supported columns for the book (only 1st line) are:
  • A constant to identify the CSV file: "Remember-It" (mandatory)
  • Book name (mandatory - max length = 20 characters)
  • Description of the Book (optional)
  • Ask text front side (optional)
  • Ask text back side (optional)
  • Allow reverse requests ("0" = No, "1" = Yes)
  • Name of the folder for pictures (optional)
The columns for a card are:
  • Text on the front side of the card (mandatory)
  • Text on the back side of the card (mandatory)
  • The hint text of the card (optional)
  • The description text of the card (optional)
  • The sort order (optional)
  • The Identifier (optional)
    (used to find already existing cards and update them with updated values from the CSV import file)

So looking at some data with a text editor should look like this:

"Remember-It";"Book name";"Description";"Ask front";"Ask Back";"0";"" "Card front text 1";"Card back text 1";;;"0010";"TC001"
"Card front text 2";"Card back text 2";"Hint text";"";"0020";"TC002"
"Card front text 3";"Card back text 3";;"Additional description";";"0030";"TC003"
"Card front text 4";"Card back text 4";;;"0040";"TC004"

If you select the import menu item, there will be shown all files on your device with the extension ".csv".

If you now select one of the shown files a new form will be presented, where you can optionally set the name of the book in which the cards shall be imported. If you don't set the name, the name defined in the file will be used as book name instead. Also you will see a button with which you can start the import. If you push it, the application will import the data if the content of the file is in the correct format. If the import finds an error, the error will be displayed and no cards are imported.